why we need Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency is a measure of the amount of energy required to deliver a given level of service. Improving energy efficiency means reducing the energy required to provide that same level comfort. Typical energy efficiency measures in houses and other buildings include improving isolation, upgrading to more efficient boilers or installing local sources of renewable energy (solar panels, heat pumps, mini-CHP, etc.).
Energy Efficiency is at the very heart of a low carbon economy. Measures that reduce demand can contribute in a more cost effective way to meeting European energy and climate goals than supply side measures, which is why it is central to any Government's policy framework.
Analysis by McKinsey suggests that Belgium, for instance, could be saving 105 TWh by 2030 through cost effective investment in improving energy efficiency of older buildings. This would be a reduction in energy usage of about 28% compared to business as usual and would be equivalent to the output of 10 power stations. It could in addition reduce Belgium's carbon emissions by 20Mt CO2.
Houses in Belgium are badly isolated. According to some sources less then half as good as the EU average.
Belgium's final energy consumption per capita could be significantly reduced by energy efficiency improvements in buildings
In Switzerland the potential for energy efficiency improvements in buildings is also above average.
Emission reductions: To deliver against European greenhouse gas emission targets over the coming decades in the most cost effective way, we need energy efficiency to improve significantly across all sectors.
The impact on CO2 emmissions of a thorough energy efficiency overhaul of buildings can be enormous. Belgium is a case in point.
And any help in reducing emissions is welcome, given that European targets are extremely ambitious: a reduction of no less then 80% in 2050 compared to 1990 !
EZ FineAnts is a for profit initiative that will support energy efficiency at grassroots level by providing knowledge and adapted financing solutions for households and local communities.